If you have built up debt such as credit cards, personal loans or second charges, you may be able to consolidate this into your mortgage to reduce your monthly outgoings or obtain a lower interest rate but it is not something that should be done without careful consideration. We can look at your options and recommended a solution appropriate to your individual circumstances
Shared ownership mortgages enable you to purchase a share of a property and rent the remaining share, meaning you need to provide a much small deposit. Overtime, you may then be able to purchase more shares of the property up until you own the property outright. Whilst these types of schemes are becoming more popular, they are only offered by certain mortgage lenders.
Buying a new build property doesn’t have to be complicated. The use of the government’s help to buy shared equity scheme can seem daunting for first time buyers and home movers but it can be a great way to reduce your mortgage payments and get yourself on the housing ladder with a new build property. We can take the hard work out of the process and ensure you get the best possible terms for your mortgage.
Building your dream home is an exciting prospect but arranging the funding to do so can be a complicated process so assessing all the options available to you is important. As whole of market brokers, we’re best placed to ensure you get the most suitable terms for your project.
Whether you are tied into a fixed deal, or you cannot borrow more from your existing lender, a second charge mortgage can be an effective solution in certain situations but is not a decision that should be taken lightly. We can assess your all your options and ensure you get the best possible advice for your circumstances
If you are an experienced landlord with over 4 mortgaged properties, you will be subject to more stringent underwriting from lenders which can make obtaining finance difficult to obtain. As we deal with lenders directly on a day to day basis, we’re well placed to ensure you get the best possible terms
If you are looking for short term finance to fund a property purchase prior to selling your current property, then bridging finance could be an option. Getting the proper advice and assessing all options is key before proceeding with a deal.
If you are looking to raise commercial finance on an existing commercial property, or looking to venture into the commercial property market, we can help you source the funding you need. We work with local commercial property experts to ensure you structure your finance in the most effective way possible.
If you are looking to raise business finance for the purchase of any business goods, or you need short term cash flow assistance, a business loan could be the perfect solution. Whilst we don’t offer in house advice on Business Finance, we work alongside specialised business finance experts to ensure you get the best possible terms for your business borrowing.
*Think carefully before securing other debts against your home. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or any other debt secured on it
** Not all forms of mortgage are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
Ebor Mortgages Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FRN 933012.
Ebor Mortgages Limited – Registered in England No 12741297 Heworth House, Melrosegate, York, United Kingdom, YO31 0RP